Working from home tips during a lockdown period

During these unprecedented times, many of us have found ourselves quickly trying to adapt to a new way of working (from home) in which we had little or no time to plan for!

Here are a few hints and tips for you to make the most out of this new environment many of us find ourselves in.

1. Get into a Routine

It is all too easy to lose our routines when we are working from home and unable to leave the

home environment. However, the key to keeping productivity high is to set a routine and have the strength of mind to stick to it.


2. Set up a dedicated workspace

Not all of us are lucky enough to have an office at home, so establishing a dedicated work area is important. 

Ideally, this area should;

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3. Keep communicating

Looking after your mental health during these times is extremely important. Stress and anxiety are likely to be high during isolation. Ensure you keep regular contact with others, the staff at work and personal friends. 

Good apps to use for video calling include;

Good apps for social messaging and video calling include;


4. Learn something new

Use this time to work on your CPD. There are loads of online training courses that you can sign up to, some of which are free at the moment. Join a course and dedicate a set amount of time each day to work on it. This will help break up your day and keep your mind stimulated.

Some good sites for online learning include;

Alternatively, start a new hobby or learn a new skill. Doing this will help give you a break from your work, and increase your morale.

Some ideas:


5. Don’t be too hard on yourself

These are new and challenging times for all of us, which came on suddenly with little or no preparation time. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you get distracted, lose focus or struggle to adapt straight away.

Every day is a new day, keep on trying and be proud of what you have managed to achieve so far. This won’t last forever.

Stay well.

You’ve got this.

Posted by Jan Morgan
26th April 2020