Parker Knoll Dakota Rise Recliner With Six Button Handset
This is the Parker Knoll Dakota Rise & Recline chair that is great if you need a little help to get up and out of a chair to your feet. The recliner has dual motors inside so that you can move the footplate independently of the back, and find an excellent comfortable position, but also you can lift & tilt the whole recliner forwards to put your feet flat on the floor. Once you are at a comfortable...
Parker Knoll Hudson 23 Rise And Recline Chair
For decades, the Parker Knoll name has meant the ultimate in comfort. Today, the Parker Knoll Hudson 23 range delivers exactly that – and so much more. Sofas and armchairs come with an array of advanced comfort features that include power recliners, power headrests and power lumbar support as well superb sprung seats and sumptuous seat, arm and back cushioning. Sofas are offered in a wide choice...